Snoring refers to a sound that occurs when the soft tissue at the back of your throat relaxes and partially blocks the airway during sleep. Air, as you breathe, will vibrate against this tissue, producing a loud noise. You might not realize you snore, but your partner might complain about it.
You also might not know that snoring can link to your oral health. Snoring can appear as a symptom of a larger dental problem. And untreated snoring might put the health of your teeth and gums in danger. Read on to learn more about chronic snoring and its effects on your dental health.
Will Dental Concerns Lead to Snoring?
Snoring can occur for many reasons, but if you have certain dental problems, these might cause chronic snoring. Bite problems, for instance, may mean that crowded or crooked teeth or a misaligned jaw will narrow the space in your mouth for air to travel to the throat.
This may encourage the tongue to sit closer to the back of the mouth which might partially block the airway during sleep so that you snore. For minor alignment issues in your teeth, a dentist might suggest Invisalign to fix them. These custom-made clear aligners are worn throughout the day and night to gradually shift teeth to a straighter position.
Then you can see less blockage that might make you snore. Your dentist might also give you a night guard to wear as you sleep that will keep the jaw in a more aligned position. This can give you more room to breathe at night to prevent snoring.
If you lose a tooth, this can also affect your facial and dental structure, including a narrowing within the mouth that may lead to snoring. Seek tooth replacement as soon as you can from your dentist to prevent oral complications related to missing teeth.
But snoring might also occur because of other health issues. So talk to your dentist or doctor to pinpoint the cause. In minor cases of obstructive sleep apnea, your dentist might be able to help. They can give you a special mouth guard to wear that will stop the muscles at the back of the throat from collapsing and causing snoring and other uncomfortable symptoms.
Can Chronic Snoring Impact My Oral Health?
While dental problems might lead to snoring, untreated chronic snoring could also create other oral health concerns. Many people who snore also sleep with their mouths open. This behavior will dry out the mouth.
A dry oral environment allows natural bacteria to spread easily, putting you in greater danger of oral infections, including gum disease. You will need intervention from your dentist to treat gum disease. So you should take preventative measures to avoid contracting it if you can.
This should include finding ways to avoid dry mouth, which will entail finding ways to stop snoring at night. Talk to your dentist for advice to stop this habit.