When you look into the mirror and see white spots on your teeth, you may feel unhappy with the way it affects the look of your smile. However, this discoloration can also signify a major problem with your dental health.
These spots occur when you suffer from an issue in the outer layer of your tooth called hypocalcification. Read on to learn more about hypocalcification and its impact on your overall oral health.
What Is Hypocalcification?
Hypocalcification is the term used to describe a loss of calcium in the enamel of a patient’s teeth. Calcium is a major part of tooth enamel, so a decline of this mineral signifies a weakening of the enamel.
This thinning of the enamel forms a chalky-white discoloration which disrupts the way that the tooth appears. It also means that this portion of the tooth is vulnerable, heightening the risk of many dental problems, like cavities.
Your typical oral hygiene regimen cannot get rid of these stains. And if enamel begins to erode, it cannot regrow on its own. You will need to seek treatment from your dentist to resolve this issue.
Can My Dentist Get Rid of White Spots on My Teeth?
To begin getting rid of white spots on your teeth, your dentist will first assess the cause of the calcium loss. Consuming acidic foods that eat away at the tooth enamel can contribute to this dental problem. But in some cases, dental patients can naturally have a higher propensity for calcium depletion.
The dentist can fortify the weakened enamel with a fluoride treatment. They will also likely suggest using toothpaste or mouthwash that contains fluoride at home. This substance strengthens the teeth so that these spots no longer pose a risk to your smile.
However, the discoloration will likely need cosmetic dental treatments to eradicate. A dentist can use tooth bonding to sculpt resin in a way that makes a patient’s smile appear more even and enhanced in its color. They may also suggest porcelain veneers to cover this type of stain and build a more regular-looking smile.
Can I Prevent Calcium Loss in My Tooth Enamel?
As mentioned, some patients are more susceptible to calcium loss in their tooth enamel. In these instances, they will need to work with their dentist to find optimal methods of preserving their dental health and the appearance of their smiles.
Patients can practice good oral hygiene at home to keep their enamel healthy. This involves flossing on a daily basis and brushing their teeth at least twice each day.
Rinsing with mouthwash can be a good way to give your oral hygiene and therefore your enamel health a boost as well. Attending routine teeth cleanings and oral exams with their dentist should also be a part of their oral hygiene regimen.
Acidic and sugary foods can weaken the tooth enamel and lead to hypocalcification and other concerns. To protect your oral health, you may want to limit these types of foods in your diet.